Zocular Eyelid System Treatment (ZEST) for Dry Eye and Demodex

ZEST (Zocular Eyelid System Treatment) is an exciting new treatment developed by Zocular® to treat dry eye, demodex and blepharitis. Dry eye and blepharitis are often associated with poor hygiene of the eye area. ZEST is an in-office lid cleaning and debridement system using a natural okra-based gel. The procedure is quick and painless, bringing immediate relief to symptoms of irritation and dry eye.


Eye hygiene includes keeping the eyelids, eyelid margin and lashes clean. Dirt and debris on the edges of your eyelids can lead to symptoms of itching, burning and gritty eyes. With every blink, the debris may enter the tear film and coat the eye, leading to redness and irritation. Poor eye hygiene can also lead to demodex mites in the hair follicles. Demodex can exacerbate inflammation and dry eye symptoms by blocking the oil glands at the base of your eyelashes. ZEST is an effective treatment for killing demodex mites, removing dirt and debris and relieving associated inflammation.

What is Blepharitis?

Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids.  It can cause redness, swelling, itchiness, and burning sensation at the lid margin.  You may notice white flakes at the root of your eyelashes.  It can be cause by excessive bacteria and microscopic mites, known as demodex, living inside the eyelash follicles.


How does Zest help?

ZEST is like a deep shampoo for the eyes to clean and debride the lids and lashes.  Okra is a powerful cleansing ingredient that is also gentle to use around the eye, helping to calm and soothe inflammation. After only one treatment, patients will notice an improvement in their dry eye symptoms, blepharitis and demodex. ZEST may be the answer to help your eyes look and feel better.


Book your appointment today!